The Obba App – Keeping your children entertained.
Obba is a fantastically simple way for the mums and dads of London to find local opportunities to entertain their children. Oh, and it’s completely FREE!
The app is cleverly subcategorised into four individual groups:
#1 – Learn and Play
#2 – Out and About
#3 – Early Days
#4 – Dads and Sports
This allows the user to set their focus of interest and eliminates the effort of searching through the advertised events that perhaps do not best suit their needs. Obba also caters for the parents that are open to any and all activities on offer, with the centred button, which selects the four surrounding options at once.
Once clicked, the app automatically lists all events relating to the individual category choice. It’s user friendly design displays the title of the activity, the age range it caters for, the date and time that it is taking place, whether it costs, it’s location, postcode and description. If you would like to make a more advanced search, this can be done by using the button displayed at the top of the screen. It couldn’t be easier, right?
An added bonus to the already sleek layout, are the inbuilt maps. By default, the map provides a visual representation of the distance between the event selected and a universal centralised position in London. If the user has location settings switched on, the app will automatically show the distance between the events location and the users location. this can also be done manually once signed in and selecting ‘My accounts – My preferred London postcode’.
A lot of Obba’s features are unlocked once signed in. You can sign in to the App with Twitter, Facebook or by filling in the required fields. Trust me, it’s nice an easy and done with just a few clicks.
How to Sign In:
When signed in, any event can be favourited and saved for later. To access the favourited events, simply click (You guessed it!) FAVOURITES! You can then sign back in at any point, and they’ll still be there!
Want to add an event to Obba? Just sign in, go to ‘My account’ and swipe across the ‘Organiser’ tab to switch it on and fill in the details. Once done, click on the ‘Add Event’ button. It’s that EASY!
Obba also has a ‘Posts’ section that allows the user to add an image/poster of an event that they themselves would like to advertise. This can only be done when signed in. It provides an extra little advertising space for the event organisers and also provides a cheeky little like button to help show what others have recommended.
Obba also has a Notifications, about Obba, and Share button, but to be honest, I think they’re pretty self explanatory and so won’t waste your time in going through them! But make sure you click that share button and let your friends and family know about Obba!
So there we have it! Obba, a smart way for parents to find activities that will help keep their children entertained.